April 28, 2024

Types of Mental Health

Mental Health Problems

If you experience a condition that is affecting your mental health and you are looking for specific information about the different types of problems listed below, you should be able to find information on this website that is relevant to your situation. Please refer to the disclaimer before making use of these resources.

Appearance Concerns
Health Anxiety
Sleep / Insomnia
Social Anxiety

We strongly encourage you to talk to your doctor or a mental health professional about your difficulties as the information provided in these resources are NOT a substitute for proper diagnosis or treatment by an appropriate health professional for extreme cases. But, the resources and advice can certainly help you deal with, and move forward with mild to medium bouts of anxiety, and again not meant to be a replacement for professional help. If you’re looking for affordable therapy, we will soon be providing links to some of the most affordable and helpful online therapists you can speak to daily, weekly, or monthly if you choose. Affordable links soon to follow.

Credit given to planetcockroach.com